申請表格 Application Form

Please read the following carefully before filling in the form:

會籍申請 Membership Application
作為非牟利組織,聖保祿幼兒園校友會 (以下簡稱「本會」) 需依賴會員以繳交會費的形式,協助本會日常運作,以及籌劃活動的經費。
St Paul’s Day Nursery Alumni Association (herein abbreviated as “SPNAA”) is a non-profit organization that depends on the continued support of its members in the form of dues to finance its day-to-day operations, activities and events.
SPNAA Members receive invitations to events and activities for all age groups, and their participation is at a discounted rate. Activities include workshops, social mixers and speaker events, featuring principals, teachers and alumni. SPNAA also organizes events with other organizations.
申請成為校友會會員 Apply to Become SPNAA Member
凡於聖保祿幼兒園畢業之校友均可成為校友會會員。除於1987 年之前*離開幼兒園的校友外,其他校友須於幼兒園就讀至畢業才可成為會員。
If you graduated from St Paul’s Day Nursery, you are eligible to be a Member. Graduation is a requirement except for classes leaving the school prior to 1987*.
Members aged 18 or above can vote and become committee members.
Membership fee is HK$100. Please help us to verify the above information about yourself. Upon submission, we shall notify you on how to proceed through the next step of paying your Membership fee via email. Thank you.
*Remark: “prior to 1987” refers to alumni whom have entered St Paul’s Day Nursery in or prior to 1982, and left school after studying for 2 years. As the 4 years preschool program commenced since 1987, it is thus required for alumni entering the school in 1983 or after to have completed studying and graduated, in order to be eligible for SPNAA membership.
聲明 Declaration
I hereby represent that all information provided herein are correct and not misleading to the best of my knowledge, and agree that SPNAA may at its discretion access and read the information. I do understand that any wrong information misleading SPNAA may form the basis of rejection of my membership application. I also understand that by submitting this form, I agree to abide by and obey to the terms and conditions as stated in the Constitution of St. Paul’s Day Nursery Alumni Association.

請填寫以下資料,有(*) 的欄位為必需填寫。 提交資料後,會收到電郵通知繳交會員費。資料一經核實及會費確收後,將會收到電郵通知確認會籍。
Please fill in the form below. All fields marked with (*) are mandatory. Upon submission, you shall receive an email on how to proceed for the Membership fee payment. Once your information has been verified and payment received, you shall receive a Membership confirmation email.

Salutation *
Name in Chinese*

姓 Surname 名 First Name
Name in English *

姓 Surname 名 First Name

其他名字 (如:John / Mary)
Other Name (eg.: John / Mary)
Date Of Birth*
Year of Graduation*
身份証號碼 首四位字元
ID Card No. first 4 characters*

(如: S123 或 HS12)
(eg.: S123 or HS12)
Email Address *
Contact Number *
家長同意書 Parent Consent Form

Name of Parent / Guardian*
Parent / Guardian Contact No*

Remarks: All personal data provided above would be kept confidential and should be used for statistical, promotional and communication purposes only. Please contact the Association staff for access or amendment to such data.